AQILMaS (to be Leader)
(Formal, Informal, Nonformal, dll)
(Al-Qudwah Islamic Leadership and Management School)
Menjadi Lembaga Pengembangan Kepemimpinan dan Mannajemen yang Pembelajar, Pendidik, dan Mandiri berbasis Sistem Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Islami yang Demokratis, Bertanggungjawab dan Berperadaban.
Manajemen YIQ-AQLIMaS (to be Leader)
- Amang Syafrudin
- Suryantie
- Henro Prasetyo
Project Description
Output - Outcome
(Dasar Spesialisasi dengan MPDS) :
Project Scope
Decscribe the Work to be Accomplished
What's the Purpose or Business Need for this Project
Is There a Relationship to other Projects?
Who are the Stskeholders?
What Work is out of Scope for this Project?
Manajemen Program YIQ-AQILMaS (To be Leader)
Leadership :
- Formal (Legislatif, Eksekutif, Yudikatif)
- Informal (RT-RW).
- Informal : Ulama, Ilmuwan, Tokoh, Mayarakat; Lokal, Regional, Nasional dan Internasional.

Manajemen :
- Pendidikan
- Ekonomi (Sosial Business)
- Kesehatan
- Profesional
- Ssosial (Pilantropi) dan lain-lain.

AQILS-YIQ thinks to Capacity Building More and More than Facility Building.